Sunday, November 18, 2007


My daughter Alexandra was born with 11q24 deletion syndrome. Alexandra turned two yrs old in January 8th, 2006 and other than sounds like: ae, ish she was not talking. I worried and talked to her pediatrician who said her niece started talking at three yrs old and I had nothing to worry about but if I was really concerned she would referred me to a Speech Center.

Alex got evaluated and almost immediately was reffered to Babies Can't Wait and from there she got speech therapy here at home. The only glitch was that the program is only for children up to 3 yrs old and when Alex turned 3 the goverment became her program. She was placed into a special ed program and she cried the whole 3 hours she was there, she did not like the teacher at all. We got a different teacher and this time neither of us were happy. This teacher wanted me to stay in the classroom with Alex and move my chair slowly towards the back of the room until I was out of sight, when that happened Alex cried and plan two was to get me out of the classroom altogether......Success! the last 3 days of school she did better.

Summer came and Alex went to the speech center with the speech therapist that used to come to the house and Alex got comfortable very quickly, the program was for a month and the month of July Alex was home with me and her sisters and by the time August got here and it was time to place her in Head Start and although her teacher turned out to be wonderful Alex cried the whole time (Alex only goes to school 2 days a week for 3 hours) so I asked for Alex to be placed back with Ms Diane at the Speech Center and thank GOD! the stars were aligned and I finally got my wish after months of trying to convince people to let her go there.

It took Alex a bit of time to get adjusted but she is doing great! she is happy there and trying very hard and working very hard at immitating sounds.

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